Remote Control
You could e.g.utilize this function if you have a display in your cockpit - but you cannot directly reach it with your hands. So you could have another device (like a smart phone or a real remote control) in reach and use this one to change the display.
You can switch pages via remite control and you can trigger some other actions on a page (like selecting the chart or changing to another dahsboard page).
In the navigation view the moving and centering of the map or the zoom in / zoom out will be transferred.
AvNav has 5 remote control channels. For every display device you can select which channel it should use and whether it should send or receive on this channel (Settings/Remote). For a remote connection to become active you need to assign at least 2 devices to one channel and have one of them enabled sending and one of them receiving.
You can also enable both sending and receiving on one device. Such a device will send out local actions and receive remote ones (after a "dead time" after each local action).
At the server you need to enable the remote channel handler /default: active).
In the server version (not on Android) remote control commands can also be received via UDP or by a plugin.
There is a plugin for the Open Boat Projects IR Remote from chrhartz.
Via UDP or by a plugin various remote control commands can be received (see at Details).
Internally each browser will connect to the configured remote control channel on the server /using WebSockets).On this channel it will send and/or receive commands (depending on it's configuration).
Remote control commands are either key presses or some more complex commands like switching a page.
The commands are expected to be strings, at the UDP API terminated by a
They consist of a type and parameters.
A key command consists of a "K" a space and the key code.
K a
The keys will trigger actions according to their configuration( see Keyboard-Control).
Complex Commands
Those commands directly trigger various actions within AvNav. Parameters
are often encoded in JSON.
They are inteded to be used for controlling one display from another - and
there format can easily change in the future.
Basically the look like:
In this example: Switch to page "navpage". A current list of commands can be found in the source code at remotechannel.js.